Inspired by Nature

One of a Kind Creations

Ever since I can remember I have always had an appreciation for the beauty and spiritual healing in nature. I believe that this universe is so amazing and vast. I have always been intrigued with the infinite and abundant gifts the universe has to offer.  I am as amazed by the perfection of this earth, and how mother nature provides us with natural healing remedies for body, mind and spirit.   This has led me to craft and source products that will create a connection with this wondrous universe.  Whether it be designing jewelry, wood burning, or everything in between,  the delight in creating is a magical experience that brings endless possibilities. My concentration is on creativity, positivity and gratitude.  I am inspired to spread joy, peace, happiness and love through this play.  I have come to realize that whenever I am creating I am thoroughly and happily immersed in the project.  I am free of stress and don a smile with every thought, idea, and creation. I experience total joy, peace, happiness and love in every moment I spend in the studio!  I invite you to share in this experience and dance among the chances to choose………..whichcraft!

- Leigh Bette

“Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to work, and to play, and to love, and to look up at the stars.”

Henry Van Dyke